The World

This life this destiny
is nothing but shit to me
all u see is killings and murderers
all these gangs have lots of pain to endure
I hate the minutes and the hours
that i live in this place overrun with power
Yet theres one thing that u need to realize my friend
This is the world and will be till the end.

Many people cry for others
Many just think they need to take cover
No matter where u go or hide
Life will find u and mess with ur mind
I dont have to tell u this cuz u already knew
The world is the world, with the people and their crew

In closing, I will warn u now
i know ur wondering what, and how
Not everyone in life is totally trustworthy
Cries in the night scream im not worthy
People in my life should know i trust them with my life
Now I tell them of the horror and strife
The World isn't always a great place to be
Just keep ur head up and keep ur mind free.