
I feel as though I'm disconnected from the world. I am an ant in a world of giants, my voice is just a whisper while all of the giants are shouting. I am nothing. The world around me is changing and all I see is the slow explosion of the streets behind me as everything turns black and white into a gust of ash. We are making history and all I see is textbooks. The textbooks of the future that no one will read, that will become our pillows, weight in our backpacks, and something someone takes for granted. Our stories mean nothing. The only thing that matters to our generation is what the celebrities are doing, and how much "swag" another has. What is that? When did our youth become so obsessed with the outer shell of a being and what does that even mean? We are nothing. No one will take us seriously because of the majority because we are the minority. "We" being the ones who study, the ones who try to make a difference and break from the mold of our peers. We are artists, writers, and the unknown genius. But what do we matter? We're the kids that get kicked, tripped, and spit on in the hallways. The ones who drop out just because we can no longer take the abuse. We are the ones who are bullied into self destruction. We are the ones who care about our future but what future do we have if no one has any faith in us?
Who are you?
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This is just something that came out and I wanted to share it. It doesn't mean much It was random but I liked it. What do you think? Curious.