Crude Sophistication

is whom vouches for truth.
This bright human goodness
not tampered with timidity
but rather grown in a raw power
termed self-descipline.
Because to be humane
and to be human
are really separate things.
Hold tightly to respect
not for the idea
but for the consideration of the speaker;
the sovereignty, the individual,
who isn't material enough
to call themselves I
in the what, not the why.
Just as in science,
theories call each other facts.
Don't believe words you are told;
believe in the human being.
Don't do a thing because it is easy
or because you want to fit in
with a group of any kind.
A group merely
sells masks for its members
because that is the only way
they can be together.
join a fellow person
by the confidence you get with them
in the things you truly believe.