Phantom Knight

There are some things you can’t erase
The sting of false hope
A second chance gone to waste
The one you shouldn’t have let go
A phantom in your veins
And sweet lies that leave a bitter taste
You wash and scrub
You find someone better to love
But still the past clings to your bed
Like a plastic bag over your head
Robbing you of breath and words to say
Phrases to make letting go okay
“I’m better now, better off this way”
You lie to yourself so you can sleep at night
But next to your lover you dream of your knight
He was never noble, never did right
But you fought for him and still you fight
To replace him with the one you love now
You know you know better but you don’t know how
To let go of the pain and embrace the love
So you hope for what could have been
With the one you dream of
But guilt goes down like hot black tar
Burning through flesh, right to the heart
Filling every crevice with poison and lies
You don’t see your lover when you look in his eyes!
Just your knight, your lost second chance
The liar, the thief, the other man
You should want to forget him but you can’t
He’s under your skin and out of your hands
He left you behind
Not just once, but twice
And you have a lover who won’t leave your side
But still you ache for “maybes” and “what if I’s?”
As if they’ll bring him back to you
And set everything right
He left you twice and he’s not coming back
He’s just the leaving kind of man

There are some things you can’t erase
But not every phantom is worth the chase