Good Morning, Sun

Good Morning, Sun.
(The moon...)
Good Morning, Sun.
(The moon...)
How are you today?
(Today, Today, Yesterday...)

Did you sleep well?
(Dreams are nothing.)
Did you eat already?
(Was that there?)
Did you face yesterday?
(Will I face today?)

Is today the day?
How about tomorrow?
I can asure you, it was not yesterday.

What was yesterday?
What will be of today?
How is it here already?
Did you ask the moon?
How is the moon?

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow...
Tomorrow, Today and Yesterday...

They all mean the same thing.
Nothing is forever.
Nothing will remain forever.

Existing and non existing,
are but reverse of each other.
One coin, two coins...
but yet no coins at all...

Will I face today?
Did I face yesterday?
But, tomorrow will not face me...

But, tomorrow will not face me...

The bond that strengthens them...
can also lose them.

Because of that, they won't face me.
And, I'm too scared to face them.
Are you here still?

Good Morning, Sun.
Good Morning, Sun.
The Sun speaks to me, and only me.

Good Night, Moon.
Good Night, Moon.
I try to speak to him, but I do not understand him.

Good Morning, Sun.
Are you shining brightly after the great war?
Good Night, Moon.
Will you gleam ever again in the night?

Yesterday, Today, and Yesterday... (x2)
Will we ever face each other again?
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Good Morning, Sun.
Singer: Megpoid Gumi
Language: English
Lyrics by: Aoharu

Wrote this awhile back. I got bored, very bored.
So, here I am, waiting for English Gumi to download so I can test out her trial version, which is taking forever. yay. I decided to make an English song for her. These lyrics are really weird, but that's why I love them. I got a phrase in my head, Good morning, sun. Well... it's was suppose to be actually cuter, instead it came out all surrealistic and stuff. Either I wrote this because I was annoyed that I haven't written/posted a song in 2 weeks. So, wa-la.