Mirror Between Two Girls

A girl walks alone down the road
No one know where she's going to go
Maybe here, Maybe there
We might watch, We might help.
Yes, No, Maybe... Maybe.

A girl picks up a rock
And gives it to a kind-looking stranger
What's that mirror of changing fate?
I'm here. I'm there. Both places exist.

It's here, It's here.
You just got to find it.
A girl sits alone,
And she waits. (And waits, and waits... and waits.)

There sits a rock
Left behind by the kind-looking stranger
What is the rock suppose to do?
The ready-made string of words fall and provide no comfort.

The rock sits alone and empty in a dark, steel balloon.
A hollow, sinking feeling consumes the girl.
The rock was a present. But now crumbles under sadness.
From a dopey, sad girl to a kind, energetic girl.

A kind-looking stranger left the rock behind on accident.
A kind-looking stranger sat on the bridge, waiting...
The River Sanzu stopped flowing,
Time doesn't match upon itself anymore.

Behind you, Behind you
One's blue, One's orange; Overlapping
On was once hidden, Now both are really not here
Mirror appeared again in the sky above the river Sanzu.

Both girls trying to reach for it. Collided, fell and messed it.
The mirror landed in a pile of peony and disintegrated.
Will the two girls become one ever again?
You and me? And, I am you? When did this happen?

Several years has passed,
The two girls live together.
Finding a shining red stone of wizards,
hoping to be together once again...
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: The Mirror Between the Two Girls
Singer: Kaai Yuki/Tone Rion
Language: Japanese
Lyrics: Aoharu

Another song. I wrote this a couple months ago from the first date. But I forgot about it.
At first, it was going to have four vocaloids, but then became two yukis, then now this.