Tree of Life

Growing, reaching up to the top,
Tree of Life.
Ever-knowing, growing far and great.

The wind whispers through the trees,
The source of all existence,
Through the thin and thick forage,
all things anew.

A jovial gift of wonder,
Springing forth from the ground,
It matches the tree of life.
Two colors becoming one.

Avanna, Avanna.
If there was anything less, it wouldn't be.
Light color, Dark color. Overlapping.
White infinite streaks through and through.
Once again.

Life breathes in, Life breathes out
All in all,
Careful whispers, with a big heart.

Tree of Life survives all. Knows all.
Deep down, strong roots blessed
Beautiful flowers in every color,
doust in vibrant vibrato

All the little voices are mixing
Avanna, Avanna.
Just one in a million of mini soliders
is just as powerful as one single drop

Flowing here and there.
Fluttering, Pulsating, everywhere.
Through and through.
A quiet scent followed by time...

Pick apart the pieces,
they still melt back together once.
Forever bound in one shape.
Tree of life gives and gives.
Avanna, Avanna.
Sweet words are here to stay. For once and for all.
Avanna and the tree of life.
Overlapping the same route.

Avanna, Avanna... Avanna... Avanna.

The Tree of Life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Tree of Life
Singer: Avanna
Lyrics by: Aoharu
Language: English

I wanted to do a song for Avanna since she was coming (and is out now) and I thought up this. Puns/references because of her name.