Suicidal Bunny/Mixed Bunny

HM: In the green forest,
there lives a small animal.
It is a white bunny. How Cute.
Fearless bunny, Fearless Bunny
Don't go into the dark part of the forest.
Dark is bad.
The Dark will hurt you.
Don't go! Bad Idea!!!!

"Standing tall."

KR: Now, the bunny is back here.
The white bunny is red now.
All the white is all gone...
Fearless bunny, fearless bunny
Don't come near us.
You're scary!
You'll kill us.
Go away! Bad idea.


KL: The bunny was alone.
The red bunny was not really red.
The insides were still white.
But, nobody saw that.
The bunny was a hero.
Fearless bunny, fearless bunny
Don't give up.

Swinging, Swinging.... Swinging...
in the lonely wind
Twirling, Twisting, Twirling, Twisting
Never coming down... to the ground.

Meiko: But, something in the bunny woke up.
Existed to live forever
Floated up to the sky
To live in peace
The bunny's soul was now happy forever.
It's soul to be blessed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song Title: Suicidal Bunny
Singer: Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin/Len, Meiko
Language: Japanese
Creator: Aoharu

I really like this one. It's so interesting. I think people are going to find it... very painful.