Where? When?

Where? When?
Never know where you'll be
Time will disappear

Where am I? Who am I?
What's the time? What's the date?
Such a long time, so many days
Many miles away, such a long distance
The past traveled was lost...
And I still wonder
What happened?

A cold basement. A leaky facet.
Drip, drip...
The hard, dirty floor. The aches in my sides.
I've been bad again, This is my punishment.

When? Where?
Don't be alone, you won't like it.
Don't be late. people won't like it.
People really don't like anything.

What is the reason for this?
A sexual fetish? Ransom? Plain insanity?
I wish I could find out...

What are you doing?
I wanna see...
What are you doing?
I wish I knew what's going on in the world today...

A phone call? What? What's happening?
He's angry? What is she saying?
I hear dogs barking and children crying...

My head hurts... I think I'll go to sleep
(Zzzzzzz..... *snore*)

Smell of gasoline in the air, the temperature rising
Fumes and smoke filling the house, panic building
Screams got high-pitched then trailed off
The flames think they are lions with their roars
Instincts kicked in
Through the window I climbed, a piece of glass sticking up just slightly
Bleeding out my stomach slowly
I escaped...
But I'm dying sooo slowly...
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Where? When? (Doko desu ka? Itsu desu ka?)
By: Aoharu (Kale)
Singer: Kagamine Rin
Language: Japanese

This song is about a girl who got kidnapped and the house got caught on fire. And when she trying to escape, a small piece of glass from the window cuts her stomach. So she dies bleeding out... Might make a second part of this song.