The Little Children

Little children (x4)

Little children
Product of the past, way of the future
Let's take them down

Do we really care for them?
Or is it just pretend?

Little children (x2)

Little children
Their screams are sweet melody to some
And others not

Why do we ignore their helpless cries?
I thought we are for them...

Little children (x2)
What do you see?

"Nothing." "Pitch black." "Can't see..." "Can't breathe!" "A horrible chill." "A thousand groans." "I... Don't... wanna... feel..."

Little children... Little children...
"Why don't you love us? Didn't we do good? Not even good enough? Can't you even try? Not even pretend?"

Little children (x2)
Unfold destruction upon them
Pick at their flesh, their bones
Baa, Baa... Look at the sheep running away

Little children (x2)
Let them feel you, Let them know you're here
You can't stay, but you'll be waiting
An when they are dragged to hell, you'll be there to greet them
You want to say "sorry" but they won't even respond back the same
No one would dare mess with you

Little children (x4)
Let's show them what we got
Little children
Do you want what you desire? What is yours?
Well, go get it...!
♠ ♠ ♠
The Little Children
Singer: Hatsune Miku/IA
Language: Japanese
By: Aoharu (Kale)

This song will probably be sung by Hatsune Miku. I think I would make two versions of this song, a metalish version with just Miku and a more sad version with Miku and IA.
This song is about children that have ignored, neglected, and abused and they are getting revenge.

Slenderman would love this song, it starts his favorite food.