
1% complete, 7% complete, 20% complete, 39% complete, 56% complete, 83% complete...
Cannot continue... ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!

A head, two arms, two legs, and... a torso.
I may be completed physically...
But no heart, no guts, no brains...
None of those things...
But full of feelings.
Wonderful feelings, painful feelings...
feelings nonetheless.

I may be a doll
But I wish Master would give me more feelings
Since I am only 83% complete,
I wonder where the other 17% are?

I never wanted anything any more than this
I wished to be complete
I want to be fulfilled
being unfinished,
is a...

Why don't you understand?
Why do you continue to torture me?
I fulfill your hopes, your dreams, your needs...
So fulfill mu hearts

Please Give me a heart, so I can feel others' pain
Please Give me guts, so I can protect my friends
Please Give me a brain, so I can think ideas
Why won't you listen?

You know what to do to make me complete...

Master, you love me, you know it's right
Master, I command you, swing down that hachet!
One blow, 86%; (Come on!)
Two blows, 92%; (More!)
Three blows, 96%; (You can do it!)
Four blows, 98%. (Almost There!)
I love you, Master. Always and forever.
Please never forget that.
I am nearly complete.
Final blow. Deleted.

Finished. 100% completed.
Thank you for completing me, Master.
♠ ♠ ♠
Unfinished (Mikan)
Singer: Kagamine Rin/Mayu
Language: Japanese
By: Aoharu (Kale)

Yay! Another song! This one I made super creepy....

OK, This song is a horror song. It is. This song is about a unfinished doll and to be finished, she needs to be destroyed.

*Ok. Mikan is an Japanese Orange. And, it also means Unfinished in Japanese. Sooo, Kagamine Rin might sing this...