Kill the Page

You wanna express yourself?
Write your feelings down
and wear them proud?

Little did you know what would
become of our actions...
But you wanted this,
don't stop now!

Kill the page... (x3)
Murder it's soul
Carve your essesence into it
with your words
Show it no mercy

Your words are out there
floating around for everyone to see
You are feeling free...

But some people are saying bad things about your words,
bashing you in the process
destroying your soul with their words of terror

Kill the page...
again and again...
To counterattack the bad feelings,
make the page your slave,
your sacrifice
Show it no mercy...
But thank it in the end

You're finished?
The page is full?
Are you feeling better now?
You don't have to write if you don't want to
You can't stop?
You don't even want to?
More bashing towards you being you?
You're just counteracting it all?
Not FUN anymore?
How sad...
Aren't you just wasting the paper?
♠ ♠ ♠
Kill the Page (Hakushowo Korosu)
Singer: ???
Language: Japanaese
By: Aoharu

It's a metal horror song.