Life's Griefs

I'm sorry. (x8)
If I have hindered you in someway, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry...
that I did not make you perfect.
I did try my best, but I still feel bad about that.
Because of my blunder, the bullies found you to be...
I could not protect from them, because I have no body.
They don't see your awesomeness, like I do.

I'm sorry...
I gave you a weak, fragile body.
I was not thinking right.
I feel terrible about that you are always in pain.
I'm hoping you'll grow stronger because of this.
If not, then hopefully your suffering will end.

I'm sorry...
that you were born into a bad family.
They look like they were good people,
But they were really wolves in sheep's clothing.
That brings me to tears every time I remember.
I wanted good things for you, if not, the best.

I'm sorry...
for your undervalued talents.
I think they are beautiful, yet others do not.
Please keep nurturing them.
I really want to see you succeed.

I'm sorry...
for your crushed dreams.
To tell you something, they can be revived.
They'll be zombie dreams, but you can still succeed with them.

I'm sorry...
that you have been lied, over and over, again and again.
Lying hurts, but so does the truth.
I have made you so that you could figure it out.

I'm sorry...
that you do not have enough people who believe what you do.
People are afraid of being themselves.
That people will not like them.
But, that is exactly what is pushing others away.

I'm sorry...
that everywhere you go is filled with stuff that is fake.
We live in a world that thinks appearance mean everything.
And, they have not realize that it is not true.

I'm sorry...
that you have been taught to hate yourself.
They were just bitter or jealous of you.
You did nothing, NOTHING to deserve this.
They should be punished.
I wish there was more to do... but I have no body.
Know that you have friends to help you.

I'm sorry...
that you are in chains because of society.
that you can not be free to be yourself.
that others judge you harshly.
They have their own problems,
yet if they helped others, it would also help them.

I'm sorry...
that you are broken down and have low self-esteem.
Please know that love is there for you, just you got to find it.
Yet, it will also come to you, one time or another.

I'm sorry...
that you have not found your purpose.
Do not worry.
You will find it.
It is waiting for you, because it is scared of being taken
away by someone else.

I'm sorry...
you are sooo stressed out.
That so much is demanded of you.
Just know, that you will be benefited in some way.
Something in your favor, is right around the corner.

For everything that is wrong and that goes wrong, I'm sorry.
Don't worry, I truly mean it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm almost too apologetic sometimes.