
Love me,
Hate me,
I don't care,
Because no matter what,
Your always there,
In times of pain,
In times of need,
I turn to you,
A true friend indeed,
You sit and listen,
You help me out,
You do your best,
Without a dought,
You know my worries,
You know my fears,
You know my sorrows,
You understand my,
Every move,
You've seen my scars,
You know my reasons,
You know the darkness,
Thats hidden within,
So hears a poem,
I wrote just for you,
To let you know,
You are...
By far,
The best friend,
I could posibly,
Ask for,
So thank-you,
For just being you!!!
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to my best mate, Tayla.