Give me a title and ill add one ....

Its always the fucking same isn't it
Cant do much cant say much
No matter how much time passes
Its always as such
So petty this way of life
So displeasing this form of existence
How stupid this form of strife is
Despite the efforts
Despite our wisdom
Can nothing be done
As sure as the setting of the sun
As deep as the wound of the heart
In the end survival or not
We search till our hearts have won
Death is imminent but love is scarce
We fight and fight for an emotion
For a relic of extraordinary value
Yet it can be seen or touched
What a tease
Like a golden Statue
Only to be witnessed
But never to be sold
Yet lord and behold
Here we are starting this quest anew
Risking our hearts and souls
For word so trivial and bold
But alas like the light from above
We look for this for of devotion
This devotion we call love
Just once more
I will create a world with you in it