Jon Bolin

Traveling from city to city,
he finds this world such a pity.
Negativity, threats, and regrets,
this isn't as good as it gets

He goes around,
playing his melodic tunes,
this world is only being
fed through fumes
Jon Bolin,
we aren't fufilling,
Jon Bolin,
why are we only killing?

Opening eyes,
and inspiring lives,
his optimistic nature
brings us much pleasure

There's something wrong
with this place
the one that only sees a face
He says,
"don't judge to fast,
you're only stuck in the past"

He picks up litter,
and wont speak bitter
He says,
"Give a hoot,
don't pollute"

He gave us hope
when all was lost,
to save this world
at any cost
He's prepared this generation
for a very sweet sensation
by informing the population
with his deturmination

He took a stand
with his very own band
He spoke the truth and had his proof,
this world would be dieing
without us replying
We're off on the quest,
we're doing our best

Jon Bolin,
will we be okay?
Jon Bolin,
are we here to stay?

He says,
"This world will no longer,
be deprived,
we're going to help it survive."

There was something wrong
with this place,
the one that
only saw a face

"This world does have
good in it,
we just have to
take a look at it."