Hard to breathe

Struggling its getting hard to breath in
Stop fighting the world outside becoming
A parasite and blind
judged by the world invading our own minds
The fear of waking up
The nerves never calming down
Secrets exposed slipping away like
The tears in my eyes, even when I close my eyes
Way down deep inside my lungs I still have oxygen
Running, flowing like my blood
I can't find anymore
The world is dark cruel and cold
Just like the air in suburbia
And I'm fighting to breathe
Giving up
Panick attacks
What happens if I wake up
The feeling,the jolt, the guiltiness the feeling of being old
Suicidal thoughts are messing with my head
Looking paranoid everywhere I go
And I surrender I can't go on I can't keep living like this
Do we die? Give up is that it and no more
we're not trying to get oxygen.
♠ ♠ ♠
I dont know I was bored