I'm Just Musing

Its so interesting how people are so desperate
So desperately desperate not to be alone in this world.
And, you know,
It isn't a bad thing.

I mean people are constantly looking
Looking for that best friend
Or that someone to share you life with.

Not only that,
But we are in a constant state of wondering
Wondering if life on Earth is alone in this universe.

We send probes to Mars
Searching for a sign that there could have been life there.
And we rejoice when we find any miniscule evidence that we might not be alone
Or the only life there ever was or will be.

We look to religion
To God, and church, and prayers
To feel we are never alone.

We have pets and friends and lovers and god and parents
Because we simply don't want to be alone.
Here I am reaching out my thought tendrils to people
People who probably won't even read this.

That's another thing,
We create all these methods of reaching out to people:
Letters, phones, text, chat rooms, Skype, Facetime.
We want our stories told and our thoughts listened to.

We are human, and we do not want to be alone.
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