
Words flow
Through my head
I don't know how to say them
Or if they should even be said

Thoughts and memories
All of them of the past
Each one floating by
Then leaving too fast

A sad memory
Then one of joy
You smile when you remember the kiss
Between you and that boy

You think back
And suddenly the memories sting
More tears and sadness
The next memory will bring

It's an endless cycle
Of all of your pain
How does one person deal with this
Without going insane

The memory of that kiss
Tears you apart
It was a long time ago
But it keeps re-breaking your heart

Each sad song you heard
Each sleepless night alone
That you spent
Waiting by the phone

All of these memories of how
The boys of your past broke
Your whole and your heart
On them you seem to choke

As you cry
You wait for a happy one
But it seems like the sad ones
Aren't yet done

Because all of those boys
Left you torn
Weeping and shredded
Your heart on your sleeve worn

The weathered damage
The scars of past cuts and tears
It's hard to trust someone
After being fooled for years

The memories still flooding
And you still cry
When he asks if you're okay
You look at him and lie

He holds you close
But the memories push him away
You look at him
And don't know what to say

Will he do this to you
Will he do you wrong
He cradles you all night
In his arms so strong

He tells you he loves you
That everything will be alright
The past is the past
Look forward to the light

The memories still haunt you
Every day of your life
But now you can trust
And put down that knife