The Call Upon My Door

Once upon a normal day, came something I do not with to say
Once upon a day of family fun forever more,
While I read, nearly done, there was a ring but not for fun, someone was calling, calling at my door.
"Who is it dad," I asked "calling at my door- only ringing at my door.

I vividly remember the call in late, blue December,
And I remember the white ring sending him to heaven.
From my dad came waterfalls of sadness- sadness for the longing of Stephan-
Like glue that kept us together washed away from life named Stephan-
Taken from earth and never more.

And I knew he was sad but not at first glance
Sunken- slunken with blackness never seen before;
Crying, dying, holing him up to my heart
"Dad what's wrong please tell me, for I can comfort you- oh dad please speak to me, for I can comfort you- this is me last try and not again,"

Slowly I grew sadder; but then I was madder,
"Please," thought I, "will you not tell me;
But I was stuck in sadness like like the wind stuck singing in the muck.
And quietly my thoughts grew darker, darker for what was wrong, I thought I felt you "-here I opened wide my eyes;-
Whiteness there, in my heart, and he was gone, and never more.