
I'm through with games, I'm through with lies
I'm through with believing your deceiving cries
I'm done with you in all your shame
I swear, I'm done playing your game
Goodbye to worry, goodbye to fear
Goodbye to feeling alone standing here
Farewell to feeling like I've been tamed
I can't keep going stuck in this game
I am the pawn that cannot move spaces
But my fury, to fear, comes and erases
My cage and my leash and my hunger for care
And now I have everything to say to you there
Canst this be a sign it's time to change
Or is this concept too far out of range?
Open your eyes to what you've done
You've lost it all, but think you've won
There's nothing more I can do for you
If there's no length that you'd go to
You may act the scholar as you do the dame
But who cares? You're alone in your sick game.