
The ache in me is far too great
As I am left whilst they not wait
I'm lost in dust that claims my heart
And wait do I to fall apart
I've weathered in winds so strong and cold
Alone I do suffer, never consoled
The depth of the hole in me that resides
So great is the fall if caught inside
Once more am I left with no blade, but a hilt
A promise of safety that, in time, wilts
Like the flower of my soul, it lives no more
What flower could in conditions so sore?
This storm that hath consum'ed me
Has made it difficult for me to see
However, I can see faces blank
AS they left, believeing me a tank
I'm weak and grasp for times far gone
So never do I see my bright new dawn
Time shapes my being, this much is true
But my grudges follow the learning, too
It's just who I am, but I despise me
So I have no hope of growing free
These uncaring faces will tare 'til I break
And leave soon after, unaware of the ache
Goodbye to all who knew me, farewell
Just remember what I tried to tell
My trek continues, sad and long
So tell me, I beg, where did I go wrong?