Fairy-tale Ending

My Fairy-tale ending
You meet me under a moonlit beach

We were just friends at first
You confess your love, just between you and me

And we kiss under moonlit skies aplenty
The stars shining all the way

Under that moonlit beach
After a romantic dinner on our anniversary

You pause
Kiss me

And kneel down

Glittery ring from the depths of the sea
Pearly glitter

Sparkles under starry night skies
Our dreams are not too far away

With him
Cinderella and Prince Charming

Peter and Wendy
Minnie and Mickey

Jasmine and Aladdin
Ariel and Prince Eric

Shrek and Fiona
You and me

My sweet fairy-tale
Ending charming
♠ ♠ ♠
I just love love poems so, I thought I should write one.