Missing You

Life turns to death so suddenly it cracks my brain in two,
So quick is the pain like a dagger in my heart. But the dagger never pierces the flesh, but my soul
The crimson i search for never appears,
Which makes me wonder if this is not just a horror my mind has conjured up.
But i know it is true when i spread my arm out in the night and your hand is not there to intercept mine. your blazing presence isnt beside mine to thaw my now fridged corpse
The shell of a man who once knew love
But loss has crippled a mans body n shatters his soul
Curse the god who stole perfection from my life for you were the only one who has graced my life
I wish i could have stopped the rosy hue disappear from your god like cheeks, i wish for a lot of things these days now... that your soul hasnt been stolen from my forsaken life, but the one i wish i would truly want is deaths sweet embrace, to be reunited with you, to know what your elegant fingers feels like once more, to feel the scruff of your chin, to feel the warmth of your body, to feel the the soft lips, just once more an i would die again and again everyday, just to feel your presence again.