One Last Drink for this Little Soul

This is a good thing for my little soul
The room is better without light
I can feel the objects as I walk
I can't see the people when they talk
BEcause my eyes are closed.
I should've had a joint
But I had a drink
And each second I regret
I should've stopped to think
In the corners of my mind
I feel bothered by things I cannot hold
I feel bothered by things but am not told
That the feeling I feel is pain
And this is a good thing for little souls like me
For little souls that talk in streams
For little souls that talk their dreams
Far away I want to go
So far up I can't feel low
And I think I've reached that point
I think I've reached it without a joint
Something as easy as drinking water
Something for the dissapointing daughter
But studies tell me not to celebrate
Such a discovery is never great
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this when I was drunk. Surprisingly it's a lot more coherent than the poem I wrote when I was high. I don't support drinking in any way shape or form. But. Whatever. I have a tendency of fucking up.