And I Start All Over Again

Every time I see you
Something new has happened
Something sad to bring you down
That turns that smile to a frown

I look into those deep flecked eyes
I wonder why you put up a guise
It's as if I start all over again
To prove to you I am your friend

It looks like you for a way to detach
To escape something that might just stick
To feel something that might make you happy
To look away when that frown disappears

I work and I strive to see that smile come
To bring joy to a Heart that only knows only glum
I wish I could take you away
To a place where happiness could stay
And make you feel warm in my embrace

I know in my mind one day you will see
That I'll keep on fighting wherever you might be
To prove to you I'm not just friend
But a lover that will fight til the end