
Is it true,
You're not so good for me?
That all along,
I've always been too blind to see?
Sometimes there's more to knowing someone,
Than just knowing.
Sometimes knowing,
Is learning how to see.

I feel lost,
By this destiny.
If it's true we write our own fates,
How do I stop my repeated mistakes?
How do I start changing what I see,
To become this person I want to be?

Time is a precious thing.
It's where we invest in all our hope and our dreams.
Time, is like a dream.
One day we wake up,
To find the reflection in mirror very differently.

Perhaps it is as they say.
If you love something,
Let it go.
If it comes back,
It's there to stay.

I don't want these little games
I don't want to be framed.
I want to be loved.
I need to be loved.

They say I'm being played once again.
They say you're just the same as all of them.
Do you tell me you love me to use me,
Because of that love I missed out on?
Are you here to just abuse me,
Because I love you it's so easy?
You have yet to show me truths to either side.

I'm not here for accusing.
If your heart holds pure,
You'd understand and prove to me what I'm hoping for.
So don't just tell me so I know.
Show me,
So I'm not blind to what I know.
Prove it to everyone,
You're not just some show.