This relationship is over, it ended when you dropped us on someone else's doorstep
Can't believe you deserted us
You should give up on this game, you'll never win
It's too late now
I'll knife you so fast you'll feel like you got sent home sick
I need you to know
You never did anything for me Susan
I understand He hurt you but remember I hate you too
These are the most important moments in my life
I refuse to let you get the best of us
You don't know what it's gonna be, screwing with a social psycho like me
I only know how to fight 1 way, that's dirty
I got 6 reasons why your leaving was good
I won't cuss you out, but I will hit you
I keep having this dream where you come crawling back asking for forgiveness
I'm not gonna play your childish games
I will completely destroy you for your irresponsible actions
I will cut clean through your hope of ever being invited back here
I'll hit you so hard you'll feel like drinking poison