The Result of Absence

It's not a cold night tonight
Like it wasn't a cold day today
But I'm still shivering
Chills rattling my bones
I'm not cold, there's just an absence
I don't even know where it is but I know something's missing
I know something's gone because even though there's blood running in my veins
Even though my heart's still beating
Even though my head is spinning at the speed of light
I feel dead inside when I am breathing and thinking and seeing
This is an absence beyond help but never beyond you
This is an absence because of you
This is a chill because of you
And I want it to be fixed but that's impossible
It's rooted itself into my veins
It's found my heart and my head and buried itself in there
Ironic, isn't it?
That an absence is burying itself in me?
Well this is what you do
This is the god damn result
And I hope you're happy because I sure as hell am not
I am lonely and I am sad and I am missing something that I just can't place my finger on