letter to my queer baby sister

Wake up mi cielo, I've come to visit
To see how you're doing, be here and listen
When no else gets you or offers you support
I'm here to take care of you when you're hurt.

And I'm here for you because I know the need
To have unconditional love and a supportive family
A safe haven means more than our such "home"
When home is just another place so cold.

With that said, I want to make it clear to you
That you can love any, many genders and I'll approve
Whoever you are inside can come out and play
Because your love and your gender will be okay

As long as I'm here.

Yes, I'm here for you because I love you
Even when you said "I think I like girls too"
And our sister looked straight at me, concerned
She said, "look what your queerness is doing to her"

Hold up, wait a minute. Did she really just say it?
I don't know if she's serious, saying shit like this.
Why did she say it? I still remain confused and unsure
Maybe our parents' attitude towards me has influenced her

I'm so sorry mi amor, I'm trying so hard
To enlighten the minds of those with closed hearts
So by the time you know what makes you happy
I would have already prepared them to be accepting

In the meantime, I'll be here for you, I'll be waiting
I'll continue fighting even when I'm so long tired and jaded
I'll continue speaking out against hate and abuse towards queers
Even if I put myself at risk of hurt or worse; of no longer being here.

It's all for you, for me, and our fellow queers.
So we can just live without our ongoing fear
Of being kicked out, abused, discriminated against
Even when, HEY! gay marriage is no longer banned.

All I'm hearing is "But love is love!"
To them, I say "Shut up. It's not enough!"

I digress mi'ja, and I'm sorry if I ever seem so low
Sometimes I even forget that you have yet to know
Of a world so unfair, we have to constantly fight
For all of our basic needs and rights

To live OUR lives... not just survive
Marriage won't save you when you're just nine!

In the meantime...

I hope you never have to see your mami slap your gay sister again
I hope you never have to see your homophobic daddy put his hands on your sister's neck
I hope you never have to hear slurs being thrown at our faces by then
When you decide you're ready to come out and begin.