Moon Weeps.

The black waters will shadow them both...
Then reveal whose heart has hurt the most.
It will form a dark river soon,
And carry along the nights and the moon.

Someone will stand at the edge of the earth,
Whimpering where the sky gave birth.
Family will rise from their tombs of Death...
To come and save their forlorn breath.

There will be loss, and there will be sorrow.
But all will fade into tomorrow...
And the darkest river will clear up once more,
But close away the Darkness Door.

Black waters will flow where the reaper once reaped...
The soul will pass, and the moon shall weep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Stop by and check out my current story, Moon Weeps, and follow along to discover the meaning of this poem...I assure you, you are in for a treat, fellow readers :)

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