Sleepless Night

Wiry fingers scrape
The cool surface of the glass window
Like branches of willow trees.
Mindless patterns are drawn against
The steamy windows, caused
By silent hiccups and tears dribbling,
Pooling against a rounded chin
Falling to the wooden frame.
Bare feet
Cold as ice
Curl around the blankets kicked off
During previous nightmares.
A blue pill slides down her throat,
The first step to falling asleep.
Lightning strikes outside, illuminating her face
Only for a moment.
Blank caramel eyes are sunken into
A colorless face,
Chapped lips and a button nose
Both red and swollen.
Wiry brown hair curls towards her
Expressionless mask,
A blank mannequin at a scrapyard.
Those caramel eyes dull,
Eyelids grow as heavy as weights.
Her branches reach down,
Pulling the waves at her feet to
Comfort her icy arms
As she drifts off to sleep.