Watch The Seasons Fade

When the wind blows,
Another death,
Another life,
Wondering why,

Watching the green fade,
The leaves are dying,
So are the trees,
The branches are breaking,

So are lives,
While we lay,
We are passing through the gate,
From warmth to ice,

The sun,
To the rain,
To the snow,
To the ice,

From the ice,
To the rain,
From the rain,
To the blaze,

The blaze that burns our skin,
Our skin only being healed by the ice,
The ice we wish for,
Now from that blaze,

To the new blade,
That cuts our skin,
A new maroon sheet pours,
And a new rusty smell.

And that is the blade,
Which helps us pass,
And as we pass through the trees,
As the last breath hits,

We passed through the trees,
But now our breath is gone,
So the warmth we had perceived,
Has finally turned to ice,

The ice makes us pale,
With warmth we are lively,
But that is no more,
Because we watched the seasons fade.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you like my poem!!