I deserve

You are the lack of hope in me,
You are the wind that tries to push me backwards,
You are the weight upon my shoulders that tries to bring me down,
You are the frown that shows up once in a while,
You are the tears I sometimes can't wipe away,
you are the reason for certain sorrows.
But I am a future of hope,
I am the effort in trying to move forward,
I am the strength of getting through anything.
I am the smile in any situation,
I am the happiness on the saddened days,
I am the reason for being alive.
I deserve what I hope for,
I deserve what I put effort into,
I deserve what I work hard for.
I deserve to smile,
I deserve to be happy,
I deserve to be alive.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uhm...I'm not a good poem writer, but I couldn't think of anything else to write in order to get out emotions and such. I just wrote this because I needed to write something to get my mind off of things, so....yeah >.>