Let It Rain

Just let it rain...

Wash away the chaos, erase all the pain
Put out all the fires, end this bloody game
Just make it stop, cease all the confusion
End this war, and finish all these delusions

Clear the field of corpses
Wash away all the blood
Just end this cruel torture
Just erase everything!

Breathe, heal, but don't forget
Never falter, don't even regret
Take time to think, let the rain heal you
For there's no better time to reflect

Just... let it rain...
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm at war with myself. And I happen to be caught in the middle of a friendly rivalry, and I just can't choose between the two people I love and care for the most...so I let it rain. It was a good way to heal and get rid of the chaos inside my head.

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