Mother Doe, Baby Deer

In the middle of the tall grass,
snuggled against the Doe’s body,
Was a fawn,
The color of a golden autumn leaf,
With closed eyes
When he opens his eyes,
The fawn stares out into the world before him
Big brown eyes see a strange,
Yet familiar place,
A wondrous playground
Crickets chirp,
Birds flapping overhead,
The wind rustling the trees and grass
Every sound he heard made his ears twitch,
Moving this way and that
The Mother Doe looks on with much pride
With one lick of her tongue,
She affectionately touches the ear of her baby
The fawn is washed over with a sense of security
Letting out a sleepy yawn,
He snuggles back into safety and warmth of her body,
His eyes itching with exhaustion,
He falls into a peaceful slumber
Such is the birth of the a new life
♠ ♠ ♠
This slightly inspired by the opening scene in Bambi, but other than that, this is purely original.