Use Me If You Want To

Use me if you want to.
That's just fine.
I've held your hand.
I've put a smile on your face.
I've made you laugh.
You only call me when you're in town for a night or two.
For some reason I jump up to please you.
I guess I just wanted to see you.
I used to have more respect for myself than that.
It's like you've hidden all my senses.
But they're finding their way back.
So use me if you want to.
It won't go on much longer.
Use me if you want to.
Then you can feel the smile on your own lips fade,
As I rediscover my self respect,
And walk away.
♠ ♠ ♠
This isn't just a poem for women. Men AND women can be used. Find your self respect and realize you deserve better. <3