
I know my body’s here,
Though I just go through all the motions
I live without love and fear
I am at lack of all emotions

And I dream of all the feelings
Everyone else has,
I just want to feel something
Whether it’s good or bad

I hope someday I feel,
Some connection to someone else
Someone that is real
And other than myself

But that will never happen
So all I can do is dream
That the feelings I am lacking
Aren’t as great as they seem

My life just seems so dreary
Though others wish they were me
But having no emotions
Isn’t as joyful as it seems

I can imagine it like a heartbreak
That I am feeling all the time
But the void would still be there
I guess it’s something I can call mine

I never felt a need to live
Nor a need to die,
And though this sounds so tacky
I need emotions to survive

So that is my life story
My hopes, my dreams, my needs
And just remember one thing,
Your life could be worse, you could be like me…