
What does summer mean to me?
Summer means Pennsylvania.
I get to see little Nyrie, who's growing up so fast.
Hiding in plain sight with Ethan, while Zoey struggles to find us.

Summer means Killen's Pond.
Lounging in a plastic chair, listening to music under the sun.
Relaxing in the pool with wet hair and darkened freckles.
Running around, feet burning on the concrete while the sun burns my skin.

Summer means Ocean City.
Going down every slide at Jolly Rogers.
Getting the best ice-cream at Dumser's.
Making sand castles on the beach that will be washed away by the salty water.

Summer means spending more time with Daddy.
Riding down the road with all the windows down.
Music cranked up, bass blasting on high.
Singing along to all the songs we know and love.

Doing all of my favorite things with all of my favorite people.
That's what summer means to me.