Soul Beneath the Scarf.

Elegancy, the optimist,
In careful strides of your walk...
The beauty, breathless wisdom,
In the voices that you utter.
Some sweet, some quiet...
In fragile words that you talk.

Always buckling to my knees…
Only in quiet do I exhale your name.
It’s better to conserve…
Better to forgive.
To relieve myself of unrequited pain.

Moments spent me in countless reveries,
Where imagination carried me in your arms.
The time was frozen in a world below us…
While we danced away in its silent alarms.
And it was never real.
Never conjured...
But I never meant harm.

You had hair of an angel, in a brunette, matted mess...
Smile lit with happiness. The right shade of bright.
Someone breathed divinity, and beauty into you…
Creating perfect balance of purity and life.

Something real…
But devoid of desire.
Something far from lust…
But with the same, sparked fire.

You were the soul I always dreamed of...
Unveiled by something greater than love.
You are the path that I will take…
But no streetlights there shall shine from above.
There is something I've been meaning to mention…
Haunting in the moonlight, overcasted in grey.

There was only a scarf that heavily covered…

The words I've long been meaning to say.
♠ ♠ ♠
How would you feel if I wrote this for you? Would you even care? Or would they just be empty words?