Paper Meets Pen

Have I left a bitter taste on your lips?
Like ill spoken words to a loved one
You run your tongue across already moist lips to taste the residue of us
Should I tell them Cheshire?
Should I spill secret of poison droplets clinging to the lips of the innocent?

The way those lips pressed hard against another's
Letting the poison be transferred in the moments of heat
Heartbeat, the sound tearing into the silence of the room
The lovers pressed hungrily into each other

One selfishly staining the purity of the other
Neither one caring both just clinging with no desire to let go
Moments tick away as they tangle deeper in the others embraces
Fogging up the glass of the frames on her face
She wiping them off as she presses down harder
Grinning like she always does

The paper and pen twisting her thoughts into words
Can they see the pen marks Cheshire?
They say they admire them
The way my thoughts and the pen intertwine
Never wanting to end the passionate embrace

Holding one dearly knowing always knowing that they hand will drop the pen
That the thoughts will soon be bound again in the confines of Cheshire's mind
So she sighs, releases and grins at the evidence of their passion
Because she knows they never really disappoint

Now that they have begun to touch fingertips
Now that they have pulled one into the other
Diverting from the marred memories to the art of sanity
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