Set in Green

A beautiful flower set in green.
The contrast...rarely seen.

To find such a treat...
to be so blind...
...irresistible flora you see,
so pleasing to the eye.

One mustn't in greed...
...pluck it you see!

Its color so deep,
so rich and vibrant.

In its place since seed... bonny, so elegant,
tis where it must be!

Til it withers...
...til it ceases to be!

For this flower set in green,
its contrast...rarley seen,
is all alone, alone you see!

Its pedals so scarlet, so crimson!
Its stem unseen...
unseen...betwixt grass and weed!

In the presence of this beauty,
I am speechless, I am in awe!

I cannot resist the picking!

I remove myself once again!

I pull away!

Away from such a thing...
...tis so fetching!
Whenever I feel its tug...
...I go, I reach out!

I reach...
I reach...
...I reach with my eyes!

For if I reach with my hands,
I may touch, If I touch...
I may not resist!

I shall never go again,
to the beauty which I have seen.
For its place is faroff...
...far from me!

I am human you see!
I would pick...

Thus, kiling this beauty,
this beauty you see...
...this beautiful flower,
This beautiful flower set in green.