
Boom, Boom, Click!
A life is lost, a life is gained.
In one simplistic moment, all can end with one steal bullet.
A bullet shot from a warm barrel in the hands of someone in fear,
But someone that is content in happiness.
Many loose a life, but will gain another;
But it will just be different.
Different, in the fact that it will become bitter and fearful of
When it will all happen again.
Columbine, Aurora, Newtown, Virginia.
All have lost many at the hands of those in fear.
The fear of being different.
The fear of not being accepted.
The fear of another endless day of hell.
Columbine lost 13.
Aurora lost 32.
Newtown lost 27.
Virginia lost 33.
Teachers, students, mothers,
Children, brothers, sisters, fathers,
Uncles, and aunts.
Every individual lost was someone to another.
Each bullet they took is another dagger in us.
A dagger of death that comes to leave its everlasting memory.
The memory of those horrifying days.
The images that flashed upon our televisions.
The screams of terror,
All heard and seen because someone felt different.
Because they believes that putting a gun in their hands
Would end all of their fear.
It would end everything.
But it all just simply went,
Boom, Boom, Click!