Oh Love,

I'm not an easy person to get along with.
I stare blankly into the air,
I hardly listen,
But I do care.

To strangers, I am weird.
To friends, I'm annoying,
A push-over.
My self-esteem, they're destroying.

But you, you're special.
I hold my breath when you're around,
Scared my breaths would annoy you,
You're arms, around me they surround.

You let me speak,
You want to know all the little things.
Do you notice how my hands shake?
Do you think I'm a freak?

Placed a kiss upon my lips,
And told me wrong.
You're the only one,
With you, I belong.

I know I'm difficult,
But trust me, I'll try.
Please don't leave me,
I promise I will never cry.

I don't act like other girls,
And I can't look like them either.
Please don't laugh at me,
I follow, I'm not a leader.

I am nothing special,
I can't give you what they can.
Just stay here for a while,
For my love had already began.

Yes, I love you so.
Just please don't go.