
When you break normal
Who's to say you're wrong
Who says that men can't be weak
And girls can't be strong

Who says that being silly
Is of child-like mind
That playing hide-and seek is stupid
They're just mad because I'm hard to find

I love breaking norms
Being my own self
Instead of stuck up
Like the rest of the barbies on the shelf

So forgive me if I won't stand
For conforming to the mass
I'd rather fail a pregnancy test
Than be one of the excited several that pass

So excuse me
If deviance is in my brain
But not the positive deviance
I mean, I'm not insane!

I wouldn't overconform,
Or conform at all
Those self-righteous conformers
Can make a nice trip and fall.
♠ ♠ ♠
We are doing a sociology project on deviance, positive deviance is overconforming to norms of our society, while negative is going against the norms, so bulimia could be considered positive, while wearing a green shirt with blue pants may be negative.