Heartbreak Hotel

Welcome to the heartbreak hotel, may we have your broken heart?
What shall you do with it?
"It's in critical conditions." They say.
So when are you going to let me out?
Ask yourself, my dear, do you really want to return out there. Into a world of tribulations and anguish. Do you want a repeat of the agonising troubles you just faced. You're here for a reason, you're one of us. Take a look around you, this is your home. All these people have experienced the pain you have, all these people checked into here with hearts of despair and bitterness. Take a look at their tearful faces, take a look at their frightened selves, take a look and see what's really inside. In here, the emptiness you feel can come alive, it can be your best friend or your worst nightmare. Either way, you'll still feel shallow and deprived of emotions. Either way, you'll still be one of us. Here in the Heartbreak Hotel, it's always a permanent reservation. So I'll ask again, may we have your broken heart?
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