Truth, Confusion, Secret

Finally the truth is out
She lets her words just flow
That feeling that haunted inside her
She let it all just show

She spoke her mind for once
Told the truth to you
Her heart out on her sleeve
She didn't know what else to do

She said she was confused
And confused she still seems to be
Because this girl who is now torn
Well, this girl is me

I am so conflicted
With what is right and what I want to say
Because no matter what happens
The situation will turn gray

So in the end
I'll just keep pretending
That it never happened
But you, I'll stay defending

Let's just say
I don't know how I feel
But what I don't know
Is something very real

And it's easier to lie to you
Than I would have thought
Because if it would have been hard
Harder I would have fought.