We Danced

Theres a girl in the corner
Looking up at me
I smile a little
Hoping she sees

I take her hand
Ask her to dance
Its a long shot
But it was worth the chance

She laughs a little
But soon we're spinning
She doesnt know
Its my heart she's winning

The girl she fades
The song slips away
Just another dream
Lost to the day

I grab my keys
Run for the car
I know this girl
She doesnt live far

Speeding down the road
Im on my way
Im making this dream
Real today

I grab her hand
Spin her around
We're floating now
Up off the ground

They song it fades
The girl she stays
I lean in close
i wont wait another day

Our lips collide
The world stops
My spirit soars
No long drops

The girl in the corner
Now holds my hand
She leans against me
And i kiss her hand