Not With A Sizzle, But With A Bang

Not with a siszzle, but with a bang
I'll get there someway, somehow
Nothing in my path
to slow me down

I'll fly to the moon
till I get to my goal
raising my shield in victory
as I beat the toal

I'll get the challenges
but they'll go by soon
I'm reaching higher than ever
singing my own toon

Even the regrets and mishaps
get to their dreams
there's a chance for me
to achieve one for my team

No matter how I could fail
I'll break the chain
Someway, somehow
Not with a sizzle, but with a bang
♠ ♠ ♠
Everyone has their goals, so why not reaching for them in the best way possible or just getting there. Don't give up on those goals and dreams. Thank you for taking time in reading my poem.