You will break up but I will break down

I call your name
You turn from me

I catch your eye
You look away

I take your hand
You pull away

I notice
Your eyes don’t light at my face

I try to kiss you
You don’t let me

I know now something is wrong
You are silent, unsmiling

I ask, scared to know
You don’t even lie

I speak, sure this is a mistake
You don’t hear the desperation in my voice

I plead, sure we can fix it
You shake your head

I cry, sure you wouldn’t really do this
You become frustrated

You start to leave
I call out your name, choked with tears

You don’t stop, don’t listen
I feel my life shatter in and instant

You were my whole life
I was nothing to you

You don’t care, even as I would kill to keep you
I feel the shards of disillusion cut me deep

I watch you disappear through an ocean that is my tears
You walk with purpose, never looking back

You leave me here alone
I die slowly, still loving you with everything in me…